Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Today’s post is from our kidney donor herself, Melanie Miguel. Though it isn’t the usual policy of this publication to work with guest writers, an exception has been made in consideration of her imminent surgery (not a good time to tick her off). And now her report:

We’re now in the final countdown to transplant! Barry and I met with our team of surgeons and anesthesiologists this morning and all looks great. The silver lining to all of this has been finding out that not only am I in great physical shape, but the team considers me “thin”; always great to hear.

Our surgeries will be first thing in the morning Tuesday, July 28th. They’ll begin with me, then Barry in an adjoining room. When he's prepped & ready, my left kidney will be "harvested" and I will be sewn, stapled and closed while they get Barry all connected. Don't expect to hear anything that day before 6pm Eastern Time. They'll try to get me out of the hospital in a day and a half to reduce my latex exposure. They estimate Barry will be in the hospital between 3-7 days.

I'm spending my days with Mom running errands, going to doctor appointments and meetings. Barry's still working everyday while Zev’s away at camp and Summer is with David’s mom and her new husband, enjoying a country daycamp. David has been wonderful about our extended stay in their apartment and utter lack of privacy; he’s the best brother-in-law and we’re so lucky to have him!

Thank You’s to: Auntie Nee (Renee) for her organizational and shopping skills, to Michael for overseeing Yasmine's whereabouts and taking care of Layla the dog, with Judy's help. To Rachel, Sarah & Rodney for being fun and responsible cousins, to Ivria for doing whatever's needed including helping Naomi & Gary pack & move, to Dad for managing his end without Mom, for what will be at least 6 wks by the end of this, and to Naomi, who is coming out to NY for a week to nurse us back to health

And to all of our loyal “Followers” – It’s wonderful to know you’re out there thinking of us, so keep those messages coming.


Thank you, Melanie, for that late edition update – We’ll be back with another entry by our in-house staff reporter later this week, so stay tuned.


  1. What a wonderful testament to the strength of the Miguel family. This gives added meaning to the concept of "Ready to give." This has always been a trait of your relationships. And for Barry and Melanie, "Refuah shleima...misha-bearach May you have a complete healing of spirit and body along with all others who have illness and may you be restored fully to life."

  2. Congratulations to the entire Miguel family. We have been fans for 6 years since moving next door. My sister and I had a kidney transplant 3 months ago. We are doing GREAT. The Goldberg-Miquel family were a source of huge inspiration for us.

    Many blessings and good thoughts for Melanie and Barry.

    Gayle Holste

  3. Melanie, sending you and your family good will. Love to you, Cynthia

  4. I heard the weather for the upcoming week in NY is expected to be rainy. good thing we're sending bright smiles & warm hugs & kisses your way!

  5. We are thinking of all of the Miguels and their families and sending our best wishes for a succesful surgery and speedy recovery to Barry and Melanie.

    Blessings to you all,

    Shelley, Naftali, Shoshana (and Ruth too)
