Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Dear Miguel Transplant Central Followers,

This is the last post on our blog, which is a sign of how well everyone's doing.

Melanie's home and enjoying all 3 of her gals back in the Bay Area. As I've said, she's feeling stronger every day, still tires now and then, but is already anxious to be back at work and living her post-transplant life.

Barry is also stronger every day - He, I and Ruth went for 8 or 9 block walk today, and considering NYC summer heat/humidity, that's pretty damn good (it was quite enough for Ruth and I, too). He's aleady quite focused on all things fall fashion related, doing what he refers to as "virtual work" via Blackberry - You really can't keep a good man down.

Both Barry and Melanie can now be reached by their own email addresses or cell text -I think phone calling should still be at a minimum for now, and of course you're welcome to send a card, etc. If you need addresses, numbers, email me and I'll forward to you:

Ron will arrive NY tomorrow (Thursday) - Both he and Ruth will be back in SF on Wed, 9/2. I'll be in NY till Wed, 8/26, when I'll be joining Sarah & Steve in New Brunswick/Rutgers, returning w/Steve to SF/SR on Sun, 8/30. Ivria will be here for the week after Ruth and Ron leave, so there'll be good overlap of assistance between now and when David & the kids come back post-Labor Day. We really should all be pooling our resources & buying airline stock.

We thank you all for your thoughtfulness, and for letting us know you're out there, making this journey with us - Reading your messages, enjoying your cards, texts & emails has meant a great deal during this process - We are so fortunate to be surrounded by such kind and loving hearts.

Thank you, thank you, thank you,

The Miguel Family, Et. Al.


  1. Thank you so much, Renee, for keeping us updated on all that's been going on. It's been such a stressful time for all of you, but your tenacity, optimism, & faith has paid off. Brad & I send all our love and good wishes for Barry's & Melanie's continued good health & recovery. May the New Year continue to bless all of you with good health, love & friendship.

  2. Thanks so much for keeping us up on y'all. I'm so glad things are getting closer to normal for you all. Larry Weinberg
